Einar Thor

Friday, November 17, 2006

Cheesburgers to get serious

In The Guardian, John Sutherland writes about trouble writers can find themselves in if they name their characters the same name as real people. If "any resemblance is purely coincidental" doesnt hold in court nor does it accept ignorance as a defence, then there is trouble, only to be resolved by paying. That is if the real person is very unhappy, not everyone is up for the 15 minutes of fame.
BBC has turned the announcement about crackdown on junk food ad into a major headline today. They say "Junk food ads during TV programmes targeted at under-16s will be banned, under rules put forward by regulators". What happened to capitalism, why doesnt the market take care of this. What could I do if a talking hamburger would be named "Double Thor Cheesburger" and getting an army together to attack bananas? After the new rules have been set by the fast food regulator I reckon junk food ads will be more grown up.
There is a film out this year called "Fast Food Nation", a controversial film in its native country US, as it doesn't praise fast food as health and beauty product. I haven't seen it, but the fast food industry doesn't recommend it.


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