Budapest Taxi

This time I also wanted to go outside of Budapest for a bit, and see a place that is famous for nothing. The city Szolnok. So my return to London was, a train, a taxi, a flight, another flight, a train, and then bus 27 from Paddington which in less than five minutes stops right in front of my house. But Hotel Tisza, on the Tisza-riverside, is the most peaceful and elegant hotel I´ve been in, and I do not like hotels. They have a Turkeys bathhouse, which makes a good morning a good morning, and the dining area, which is more like a hall with two separate lounges on left and right hand side, was empty when I arrived to have my included breakfast. I could hear myself swallow.
The taxi driver, perhaps in his late 50´s, spoke about 15 words in English and around 30 German words. At least he spoke more German than me. But strange how taxi-prices go down as you move outside of the train station, the first one who offered me a taxi said it was 9000 forint to the airport, the next one 7000, and outside I met the one who said 5000, in fact 6000 if you are talking about the International one. So there we go, but it is as the drivers outside know what the drivers inside are offering.
My driver had a scare on his lip, well shaven and all around a cool guy, he seemed a nice one, but soon he was pushed a bit aside by a small red fiat, onto a slow lane, and then he started to use the English words. Arabs he said, then mafia, then Nigerians, then mafia again, and then Russians.
He punched his fist into the air and said “no intelligencia”, “use hand, no head”, he said.
True. Someone had said that the crimes scene could be a lot worse in Hungary and in many other east European places if the crooks would use there head a bit more. He talked quite a bit on the way, but mostly in Hungarian, I think. When we hit the highway he said, “Niki Louda”, then there was silence until we arrived again into more traffic.
At the airport the price had come to 6500 forint, close to 30 Euros, and I went inside to the bankomat to withdraw some forint. “Ich warte”, he said, and when I returned outside he was in a heated conversation with a quiet policeman, or say, delivering a monologue to the policeman who seemed to listen to him as he were telling him how he should kick the crook’s ass. A friendly noon, friendly departure, it almost compensated for the architectural mistake that Ferihegy airport is. Odd when a nice design can function so mysteriously frosty, if it is in a wrong place.
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